Pre Appointment Instructions for Patients
We are pleased to provide you with appointments during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Our team has been working hard to educate ourselves on new infection control guidelines as mandated by the CDC. We have put an enormous amount of consideration into implementation of our new protocols while, as always, maintaining strict adherence to previous infection control measures.
Under the new protocols, patients play an active role in infection prevention. The following information will help you understand what to expect when you arrive at our office and also to outline what actions we need you to take to make our environment safe for yourselves, our team and the community at large.
In-Office Visits
All clinical staff will be wearing masks at all times.
Upon your arrival, you will see a nurse by the door. Please let her know you have arrived.
The nurse will ask you covid screening questionnaire to ensure precautions are being taken based on your answers.
Based on your needs, the doctor may approve you to come inside or switch you to virtual. If you are approved to come, until we are ready for you to come inside, you will be asked to wait in your vehicle.
Upon entering, you will be escorted to a patient room.
Keep your mask on at all times except when receiving treatment. When your mask is off, limit talking to essential statements only.
Virtual Visits
If you are doing your virtual appointment from home, you will receive a text or call with a link for yout virtual appointment.
After checked-in by initial nurse call (usually within 5-10 minutes) the doctor will text/call you with a link to start the virtual visit.
After virtual visit, if any additional test needs to be done or your approved by doctor to come in for him/her to do testing, a nurse will folow up with you to set up a appointment for you to come in.